Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa had all kinds of tricks up his sleeve!


We have had a REALLY big week around the Heim household. As if the holidays aren't hectic enough with traveling, last minute gifts, and figuring out times to see family and friends that haven't been seen all year, our little one decided to throw in a twist of his own. Gavin started walking this week! I personally think he was a little upset that he didn't have everyone's total attention all the time so he made it his mission to come up with something to direct all eyes back to him. And he did just that! Greg's mom and sisters were keeping him on Monday night and he had stumbled around a little over the weekend. I told Greg that the girls would have him walking before Christmas and sure enough I got a text from Addison that read... "GAVIN JUST WALKED ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM!!!" And of course I started crying. I couldn't get to him fast enough!

Of course Christmas was wonderful. We went to the Fort to celebrate with Greg's side of the family and my Dad's family on Christmas Eve. We got a visit from Santa at Grandma Heim's...didn't go so well for Gavin. It was his first time to see the jolly ole' guy up close, and he wasn't too stoked about it. (Hey this is Greg, in Gavin's defense "Santa" did say "Booga Booga" real loud right when he sat down and then whispered in his ear that he wasn't actually Santa Clause but Mark Curlett and just showed up cause Mom and Dad gave him a liquid thank you gift wrapped in a purple velvet bag. Ya'll know what I'm sayin. No wonder the poor guy was cryin. Seriously though, thanks to Mark for doing that. Maybe next year he can hide behind a bush outside and jump out and yell "Santa's here!" really loud and give him gifts that way).

We woke up on Christmas day, opened presents from the Heims', and headed back up to Rogers to do gifts and dinner with my parents and Meme. Santa was VERY good to all of us this year! (Hey Greg here, also notice in the background the pastel monkey riding the dumptruck and Gavin is astonished with the gold ribbon. I mean this kid has some focus. Very impressive for a 1 year old).

And my little boy (yes, he is now a little boy. :( not a baby anymore) just seems to keep adding to his bag of tricks! He is in the process of learning how to call the Hogs...he thinks it's the funniest thing EVER and is trying so hard to get the motions down! And dad is teaching him how to drive. Or at least letting him pretend to drive. Which he thinks is hysterical! Here's a sneak peak of the little man behind the wheel.

(That's right Greg here again) Yep, you better believe it ladies and gentleman, Gavin not only started walking this week he also started driving! I mean, they grow up so fast. Of course I set some ground rules such as no drinking out of the sippee cup while driving and no talking to or playing with bun bun. This video was taken at the end of our first driving lesson at the Promenade in Rogers. I will say that the older he gets the more he throws little fits and complains. For instance, he's getting particular about the baby food we give him, he cries when you leave him in a room by himself for hours at a time, and "he can't reach the pedals". I mean come on, time to be a big boy. Anyway, he did a good job with his first time behind the wheel (and may I add that those dorky little bike cops at the Promenade are such fascists, I mean how about you let me parent my own child thank you very much.) We were gonna practice parallel parking but it was cold and mommy and daddy were done shopping so we went home. Happy upcoming New Year everybody! (By the way, Kara thought the whole "leave him in a room by himself for hours at a time" made us sound like bad parents but I always make sure Savvy babysits when we're gone. I mean seriously, like we wouldn't have a babysitter.) Geesh

1 comment:

Sarah and Brad said...

Yay Gavin! I saw you guys at Christmas Mass but couldn't catch your eye, Kara! Glad you had a wonderful first Christmas with Gavin. Happy New Year!!